Changement d'horaire école du Marais


/ #4 Ridiculous!

2014-02-18 19:05

This is not just a proposal Trying to move school schedule 40 minutes Earlier, it is only a proposal That Favours school teachers (service provider), but not CONSIDERS Parents Service (receivers!) This proposal might allow school teachers Could Go home Earlier, goal is a disaster MOST Parents Have you are working on 9 to 5 schedule, giving the fact Abebooks web-have already PD extra 22 days a year in Quebec.In this proposal, students Will Either stay 2 hours in daycare or relatives we-have to Spend billable hours with 'em. I know there are other schools working on the 8:05-3:15 schedule, But Does not this mean it is a norm or a reasonable norm. This schedule WAS created Decades ago while single income can Afford a family and a house wife Could Their kids meet in the middle afternoon.I would love to learn the rationale under this proposal, Does the school bother to know what is the impact to the MOST significant stakeholder group-parents? Thanks for this petition!