Accès a la plage de Douglastown avec nos véhicules motorisés.


/ #16 Re: Re: They're taking them away!

2016-07-13 17:00

#15: - Re: They're taking them away! 

 Yes because the people of Douglastown are indeed respectful.  The problem was not the locals but the vacationners.  We need to keep up the good work and inform our fellow vacationners to respect the environment, the peace and the property.  We have been living here forever and we know how to preserve our place.  Please accept that this is our life, our hobby, our pride and happiness.  Camping has been illegal for decades to avoid fire and disasters this is the prime reason this happened in the first place.  Locals are just enjoying life and we were supposed to carry our equipement and boats on our backs.  Togetherness showed that in unison everything is possible.  Now lets just enjoy our lives and live in harmony!  No offense to you.