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/ #6202 MONTREAL, CANADA—The world is stunned, in a state of shock.2012-08-17 21:47MONTREAL, CANADA—The world is stunned, in a state of shock. #6176 MONTREAL, CANADA—The world is stunned, in a state of shock.2012-08-14 02:22 http://www.northcountrygazette.org/2012/07/27/tears_flow/ By North Country Gazette On July 27, 2012 © By June Maxam MONTREAL, CANADA—The world is stunned, in a state of shock. Tears are flowing around the world. The city of Montreal killed Wicca without giving her a chance. And it was done while the city was facetiously leading the world to believe the dog would be saved if enough public outcry was heard. The world was duped and a dog was unjustly killed. As city hall was so nicely taking the calls from thousands of people worldwide, pleading for clemency for the dog, the city had already killed the dog, threatening the shelter that if they didn’t do it before day’s end on Thursday, that the city—namely a planner named Benoit Lacroix—would send in their own vet Friday morning to do the deed and the shelter would face repercussions. The action by the employees at city hall, leading the callers to believe that the Mayor would consider clemency when in fact Wicca had already been murdered is despicable, beyond immoral. And they did it with a smile. So many callers commented how nice the city employees were to them. The face of the city smiled and laughed while killing an innocent dog and that’s almost worse than the deed itself. That’s arrogance, that contemptuous, that’s the world being raped by a smiling government lying to the people that they are supposed to be representing and serving when they had absolutely no intent of giving Wicca her life. The government of Montreal has raped the public’s trust and brought upon themselves the disrespect, scorn and contempt of the world. There’s something grossly immoral with a man and his government who thumb their collective noses at not only the law, but what’s morally right and that’s exactly what Montreal Mayor Gerald Tremblay, his lackey Benoit Lacroix and the city of Montreal have done in the case of a five-year-old dog whose sole mistake was scratching a woman who scared him. She has as much blood on her hands as the city of Montreal has on their hands. The city even refused the plea of a judge who asked them to reconsider their death decree, to do the right thing for moral reasons but the city obstinately refused. That by itself speaks volumes of the lack of character in Montreal’s government. The great Indian philosopher Mahatma Gandhi said that “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. Montreal is totally immoral. The world, and especially its neighbors in the United States and the rest of Canada must never forget the heartless, cruel actions of Montreal against an dog who was trying to defend herself because she felt endangered. And even then, the worse she did was scratch a woman. Wicca didn’t deserve to die. She was a hero, she had saved her owner’s life. She was a good dog, a dog full of love and devotion. The murder of Wicca is undoubtedly one of the gravest injustices in the battle against breed specific legislation. Even though BSL supposedly wasn’t at play in Wicca’s case, it was. Prejudice and discrimination towards pit bulls killed this wonderful dog, a dog that had saved her owner’s life and he fought so hard trying to save hers. In recent months, there have been cases in Montreal where other breeds of dogs have provably bitten children and there was no death order. They were allowed to live with a muzzle order and that’s what should have occured in the case of Wicca. Common sense and compassion must rule and prevail, not a biased, politician with an obvious problem with morality and honesty. All life is precious, we must never forget that and government and those in power must never forget that they represent the people, not their own self-interests. What is most egregious in this situation is the total lack of due process. She was ordered killed without any administrative hearing ever conducted by a bureaucrat who didn’t want to hear any evidence, who has no training or background with dogs, who simply doesn’t care. She simply wasn’t a dangerous dog. Mayor Gerald Tremblay is ultimately to blame for this travesty and injustice, true governmental tyranny, a total rape of the rule of law. Tremblay must be held accountable. All efforts must be made to remove this man from office, to assure that the laws are changed and that no more dogs are killed in such a dishonest and unlawful manner. And just where was Tremblay during the intense international campaign to save Wicca’s life? Why did he hide, why did he fail to or refuse to return calls from dog trainers and behaviorists, sanctuaries who would have insured Wicca’s safety as well as the public’s. Men who kill dogs in such a manner as Wicca was executed are cowards. Only we the people can make it end. Those in public office must be reminded at the polls that they represent us, our wishes. Government is out of control, this isn’t the Third World–Belfast, Montreal, the US are supposed to be civilized countries that follow the rule of law. We must show those in government that the people rule, not them As one individual articulated following Wicca’s death, government sucks and violate their sworn duty, when those in positions of power allow that power to become their privilege rather than their burden. Due process and adherence to the rule of law is our only way to insure a civilized society. Too many politicians forget that. Montrealhas forgotten that and it is our duty to remind them so they never forget again. For those of us who believe in the promise of a fair and just system, we have to fight abuses like we have seen in Lennox and Wicca. We have to hold our representatives to the law and make that law just and fair. I am horribly disappointed that both Belfast and Montreal have ignored justice and compassion and have yielded to ego and self interest. Wicca, we will never forget. 7-27-12 http://www.northcountrygazette.org/2012/07/26/montreal_kills/ http://www.northcountrygazette.org/2012/07/26/montreal_repercussions/ http://www.northcountrygazette.org/2012/07/26/death_order/ NOTE: Please understand The North Country Gazette is a subscription site. Unlimited free access is not available. One free read per visitor is allowed, after that, access is by subscription only. For questions, contact news@northcountrygazette.org Like our work? Please consider leaving a tip in the tip jar to the right of this article. Don’t forget to visit the NCG store, great products featuring dogs and cats. www.cafepress.com/northcou |
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