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#3 Re:

2011-03-03 16:46

#2: Lamine B -  

 ils sont tous innocents en quelque sortes, mais on doit etre logique
3 n'était pas sur les lieux, comment tu veux arriver a quelque chose si on commence pas par quelque part.
les deux autresss sont toutes aussi innocents, mais selon les faits ils sont  accusés de meutre non premidité.



#123 Re: Re:

2011-03-04 17:49:50

#3: Visiteur - Re:

cest fou comme le pouvoir fais le bonheur des un, et le malheur des autres ! esperons quil changerons leur procedure, au moin commencer par ceux qui netais pas sur les lieu, eet en finir avec les 2 autrees !


#145 Re: Re:

2011-03-04 23:09:46

#3: Visiteur - Re:  


# 3: Visitor - Re: a> p> p>

As the uncle of Jordan Morrison they not only beat him they where kicking him while a girl was also trying to do cpr on Jordan, so you think they should be freed, like hell they should, and thats right from people on the scene, thats not a one on one fight, and kicking and stomping someone that is on the ground unconscious is what animals do, not people. And also that was not the only incident that the accused where involved in, there where many more as these things will come out at trail. Where is there facebook page from friends who say they where great guys, well there is none, I have a feeling that there would not be a lot of supporters in there corner. This is not an english or french thing its a people thing and I am sure they do have family that love and are supporting them, but I also have a family that will never see Jordan again and this will always leave us with this huge empty hole in our hearts.