Lee Jung-hoo defended his team's victory with good defense

Lee Jung-hoo started as the first hitter and center fielder in the 2024 U.S. Major League Baseball (MLB) Arizona Diamondbacks game at Oracle Park in San Francisco, California on the 19th (Korea time) and scored two hits and one run in four times at bat.

As a result, Lee's batting average for this season jumped from 0.270 to 0.282 (22 hits in 78 times at bat). San Francisco won the game 5-0 against Arizona, led by Lee's performance.

Lee hit a changeup outside right-handed starter Line Nelson's second pitch as the leadoff hitter in the bottom of the first inning. It was a missed ball, but it passed to shortstop, and Lee, who was quick, entered the first base first.

Lee Jung-hoo, who achieved hits in 10 consecutive games, tied with Kang Jung-ho (2015) and Kim Hyun-soo (2016) for the longest consecutive hits (10 games) in the Korean Major Leaguers' debut season.

Lee Jung-hoo, who made a milestone, had a showdown with Logan Allen in the bottom of the third inning with one out and a runner on second base. He hit a 90.9 mph sinker with his three pitches to make instructional hits to shortstop with the speed of 103.4 mph (166.4 km). He thus garnered multi hits in just two at-bats.

Lee Jung-hoo has displayed his presence in defense as well. With the team leading 1-0, Lee chased Jake McCarthy's deep left-center hit in the top of the sixth inning. The catch was not easy because it was a deep hit heading to the fence. However, Lee calmly chased the hit that was flying behind his back, and managed to catch it sensibly. Lee's defense was critical as he could keep the lead in the one-run game.

When Lee Jung-hoo made a successful catch, San Francisco's home fans who filled Oracle Park cheered loudly. The sitting spectators also stood up and gave Lee a standing ovation. Starting pitcher Logan Webb also applauded Lee Jung-hoo. It was a great defense.

Lee Jung-hoo was criticized for his unstable defense, including loss of the ball in the early days of this season. However, he defended his team's lead by banking on his perfect defense this time around. Lee is gradually showing off his presence in the center field defense as well.

BY: 1178.jpg

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